5 ways to use instagram for business

Tasnuv Bin Manjur (Shanon)

1.   Show Your products

Show off a collection of the products you offer, share a photo of a new or lesser-known product or zoom in on a product and engage your instagram followers by asking them to guess what it is. 


2. Show how it’s made

 Let followers in on the origins of their favorite products with snapshots taken at various points in the manufacturing process. If that process is a long one, you might consider making it a multi-part post that follows the process from planning to production to delivery.


3. Show what's your products can do

Sometimes our imagination only takes us so far. Use instagram to create demand by helping consumers imagine new and novel uses for what you offer.

4. Show off the office & employees:

Post photos that provide a glimpse of a-day-in-the-life at your office - work areas, the corporate gym or play -field, brainstorming meetings in progress, training sessions, employees at lunch, employees at play- opportunities here are countless.

5. Share Quotes And Inspiration:

People search for positive and uplifting thoughts and photos. Try to share unique photos and thoughts, and avoid the ones that are being overused. This is another way to build relationships with your followers and help them learn more about you and your business.



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